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In Floods (2023) by Greg Wohead

In Floods takes the form of a live screenplay reading in which Greg fictionalises himself. Drawing from an interest in the act of crying and his experience returning to rural America for his grandparents’ back-to-back funerals, Greg leans into TV tropes, plays fast and loose with the truth and deals recklessly with his memories. More info

Read a text I wrote about the making of In Floods


Detective Work (2021) by Seke Chimutengwende

A duet between Seke Chimutengwende and Stephanie McMann which explores choreography as a process of creating and solving mysteries. More info

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Mum, I'm in the fourth dimension, see! (2019) by Frances Morgan

A dance, a poem, a fit of rage, an exorcism and a queer, secular hymn to the impending capitalist apocalypse. More info

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It begins in darkness (2022) by Seke Chimutengwende

It begins in darkness is a dance full of ghosts. An environment for processing the fear, anger and confusion which arise from the histories of slavery and colonialism that haunt the present. More info

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Plastic Soul (2019) by Seke Chimutengwende

Plastic Soul tells the story of the rise and fall of a mythical performer, whose image and identity are constantly morphing. More info


DRAG ON (2017) by Frances Morgan

DRAG ON is a loving, fire-breathing exploration of queer identity, fantasy and myth. More info


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