In Floods (2023) by Greg Wohead
In Floods takes the form of a live screenplay reading in which Greg fictionalises himself. Drawing from an interest in the act of crying and his experience returning to rural America for his grandparents’ back-to-back funerals, Greg leans into TV tropes, plays fast and loose with the truth and deals recklessly with his memories. More info
Detective Work (2021) by Seke Chimutengwende
A duet between Seke Chimutengwende and Stephanie McMann which explores choreography as a process of creating and solving mysteries. More info

Mum, I'm in the fourth dimension, see! (2019) by Frances Morgan
A dance, a poem, a fit of rage, an exorcism and a queer, secular hymn to the impending capitalist apocalypse. More info

It begins in darkness (2022) by Seke Chimutengwende
It begins in darkness is a dance full of ghosts. An environment for processing the fear, anger and confusion which arise from the histories of slavery and colonialism that haunt the present. More info

Plastic Soul (2019) by Seke Chimutengwende
Plastic Soul tells the story of the rise and fall of a mythical performer, whose image and identity are constantly morphing. More info

DRAG ON (2017) by Frances Morgan
DRAG ON is a loving, fire-breathing exploration of queer identity, fantasy and myth. More info